Squids4Kids Follow-up Survey
Have you received a squid and completed your dissection? Then please let us know how it went! We are always looking to improve the program, and would appreciate your feedback. We would also love to see any photos you'd like to share with us!
TO EMAIL: William F Gilly <lignje@stanford.edu>
* Required Fields
Name *
Did your squid(s) arrive in adequate condition? *
[ ] Yes [ ] No
body intact, minimal skin damage, etc.
Number of students present *
Student age range *
Was this your first time dissecting a Humboldt squid? *
[ ] Yes [ ] No
Was this your first time dissecting any kind of squid? *
[ ] Yes [ ] No
How helpful were the written materials provided by Squids4Kids? *
Not Helpful (1) to Extremely Helpful (4)
How could the written materials be improved?
Which aspects of the squid activity were most engaging to the students?
Any other comments or suggestions?