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Gilly Lab

closeup of a dosidicus eye

Hopkins Marine Station
Located in Pacific Grove, California, the Hopkins Marine Station of Stanford University is home to a wide range of marine research labs.

Have more questions?
We are always looking for self-motivated volunteers and interns looking to get their hands wet. Past interns and volunteers have gone on to join the lab as graduate students and as technicians.

Have you seen a squid recently?
Let us know. We are always excited to hear about when and where squid are popping up.

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About Us

dosidicus squid

Research in the Gilly lab, led by Prof. Bill Gilly, currently centers on the biology and ecology of Humboldt squid, Dosidicus gigas. We use a variety of tools to explore locomotion, communication/camouflage, trophic dynamics, life history and influence in social systems (fisheries).

The Gilly lab also has a rich history in Biophysics, exploring cellular regulation of voltage-gated Na+ and K+ channels in ionotropic glutamate receptors cloned from the squid nervous system.

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